Building the Future of Transportation: Impacts Report 2023


CTS identifies core issues, brings stakeholders together, and helps put new knowledge to work. We foster a welcoming community that values equity and diversity in people and ideas. And while we serve Minnesota, we broaden our reach through comprehensive communications programs. Highlights from FY23 follow.  

Project Showcase

Thousand-mile trek collects data on Minnesota’s readiness for automated vehicles

How ready is Minnesota for connected and automated vehicles (CAVs)? In August 2022, researchers took a four-day, 1,086-mile trip around the state to find out. Team members piloted two research CAVs in “dark mode,” which disables automated driving features and gives full control to people. This allowed onboard systems to focus entirely on data collection. A report details the team’s findings for transportation professionals and agencies as they consider how to make improvements to our transportation infrastructure for automated vehicles and driving.

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Scholars reflect on critical transportation topics in Future of Mobility series

Every day, CTS and the University of Minnesota are working to understand what’s coming next in transportation. In January, CTS launched the Future of Mobility series to highlight the perspectives of leading U of M researchers and national experts. In their articles, authors scan the horizon and reflect on critical transportation topics ranging from advanced air mobility to rural transportation, from automated vehicles to equity for users. Related events and videos featuring contributors are available.

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Video still showing a smiling man on a bike

Short Films, Big Visions: Transportation-themed films spark conversation about community connections 

Dozens of community members and transportation advocates tuned in to “Short Films, Big Visions: A Series on Transportation and Community” on February 23. Co-hosted by CTS and the Humphrey School of Public Affairs, the virtual event featured a screening of short films produced by the Redford Center for its “Community Power'' series followed by an engaging panel discussion. “Community Power Minnesota: Transportation and Happiness” features the research of University of Minnesota professor and CTS scholar Yingling Fan. 

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in outreach and engagement services funding
visits to CTS websites
committees, councils, task forces, and other stakeholder groups convened
media stories referencing U of M transportation research and outreach
participants at CTS-sponsored events
subscribers to publications and social media