Video highlights spreadsheet tool for flashing yellow arrows

yellow arrow

The Minnesota Local Road Research Board (LRRB) has produced a new video to guide practitioners through the use of a spreadsheet tool that can help determine when it’s safe to use flashing yellow arrows.

Traffic engineers can use the spreadsheet tool to determine at which times of day crash risk is sufficiently low for flashing yellow arrows to be implemented safely for permitted left turns at a specific intersection. The tool was developed as part of a project sponsored by the LRRB and led by Gary Davis, a professor in the Department of Civil, Environmental, and Geo- Engineering at the U of M.

The instructional video helps users understand the methodology behind the spreadsheet tool as well as how to use it. An instructor walks users through an example intersection, describes the inputs needed, and explains how to interpret the results.

The video, developed for the LRRB by SRF Consulting Group, is available on the LRRB website.


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Michael McCarthy