Building the Future of Transportation: Impacts Report 2023

Performance Measures: Foster Stakeholder and Public Engagement

CTS annually gathers performance measures data to quantify our impacts in effecting changes that improve transportation. Below, key measures from FY23 showcase our work related to one of CTS's three Areas of Excellence: Foster Stakeholder and Public Engagement.

Outreach and Engagement Services Funding

FY23 showed another year of growth for outreach and engagement services funding. Successful programs such as MnCAV Ecosystem, the Accessibility Observatory, and Minnesota Toward Zero Deaths continue to adapt and thrive in the post-pandemic world. 

Several new programs are expected to start in the coming years due to additional funding secured through both state and federal sources, demonstrating CTS’s continued success in convening and engaging with transportation stakeholders. 


Visits to CTS-affiliated websites increased by nearly 50 percent in FY23. A concentrated effort to build CTS’s LinkedIn presence—there was more than 300 percent growth in followers this year alone—drove thousands of engagements with web content, contributing to a higher than projected impact in FY23. 


This year saw a slight decline in the number of stakeholder groups convened due to program changes and project closeouts. However, the FY24 CTS Strategic Plan places emphasis on continuing to convene stakeholders on timely topics, and several new programs are beginning in the next fiscal year. Both factors will contribute to anticipated future growth for this measure.